
Refereed Journal Publications

  • Investigating the Origin of the Absorption-line Variability in the Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy WPVS 007 K. S. Green, S. C. Gallagher, K. M. Leighly, H. Choi, D. Grupe, D. M. Terndrup, G. T. Richards, S. Komossa, 2023, ApJ, 953, 186 Link
  • The Physical Properties of Low Redshift FeLoBAL Quasars. I. Spectral Synthesis Analysis of the BAL Outflows using SimBAL H. Choi, K. M. Leighly, D. M. Terndrup, C. Dabbieri, S. C. Gallagher, G. T. Richards, 2022, ApJ, 937, 74 Link
  • The Physical Properties of Low Redshift FeLoBAL Quasars. II. The Rest-Frame Optical Emission Line Properties K. M. Leighly, H. Choi, C. DeFrancesco, J. Voelker, D. M. Terndrup, S. C. Gallagher, G. T. Richards, 2022, ApJ, 935, 92 Link
  • The Physical Properties of Low Redshift FeLoBAL Quasars. III. The Location and Geometry of the Outflows H. Choi, K. M. Leighly, C. Dabbieri, D. M. Terndrup, S. C. Gallagher, G. T. Richards, 2022, ApJ, 936, 110 Link
  • The Physical Properties of Low Redshift FeLoBAL Quasars. IV. The Implications for Quasar Evolution K. M. Leighly, H. Choi, M. Eracleous, D. M. Terndrup, S. C. Gallagher, G. T. Richards, 2024, accepted for publication in ApJ Link
  • Discovery of a Remarkably Powerful Broad Absorption-line Quasar Outflow in SDSS J135246.37+423923.5 H. Choi, K. M. Leighly, D. M. Terndrup, S. C. Gallager, G. T. Richards, 2020, ApJ, 891, 53 Link
  • The z = 0.54 LoBAL Quasar SDSS J085053.12+445122.5. II. The Nature of Partial Covering in the Broad-absorption-line Outflow K. M. Leighly, D. M. Terndrup, A. B. Lucy, H. Choi, S. C. Gallagher, G. T. Richards, M. Dietrich, C. Raney, 2019, ApJ, 879, 27 Link
  • The z = 0.54 LoBAL Quasar SDSS J085053.12+445122.5. I. Spectral Synthesis Analysis Reveals a Massive Outflow K. M. Leighly D. M. Terndrup, S. C. Gallagher, G. T. Richards, M. Dietrich, 2018, ApJ, 866, 7 Link

Posters and Presentations

  • Exploring the Physics and Energetics of Low-Redshift FeLoBAL Quasars, H. Choi, K. Leighly, C. Dabbieri, D. Terndrup, S. Gallagher, G. Richards, 2021, AAS meeting #237, Link to iPoster
  • Quasar Outflows for Undergraduates and Everyone C. DeFrancesco, K. Leighly, H. Choi, J. Voelker, D. Terndrup, 2021, AAS meeting #237, Link to iPoster
  • Outflow and Optical Properties of Low-Redshift FeLoBAL Quasars, K. Leighly, H. Choi, C. Dabbieri, C. DeFrancesco, J. Voelker, D. M. Terndrup, S. C. Gallagher, G. T. Richards, 2021, AAS meeting #237, Link to iPoster
  • Investigating the Cause of Variability of the Low Luminosity Broad Absorption Line Quasar WPVS 007 Using SimBAL K. Green, K. Leighly, S. Gallagher, H. Choi, D. Terndrup, D. Grupe, 2021, AAS meeting #237, Link to iPoster
  • Analysis of a Sample of High Redshift, High Luminosity FeLoBAL Quasars J. Voelker, H. Choi, K. Leighly, C. Dabbieri, C. DeFrancesco, 2021, AAS meeting #237, Link to iPoster
  • Exploring the Link between Broad-Absorption-Line Outflows and [OIII] Emission in Low-Redshift FeLoBAL Quasars K. Leighly, H. Choi, C. Dabbieri, 2020, AAS meeting #236, id. 334.04 Link to abstract Link to iPoster
  • Investigating Quasar Emission-Line Variance Using a Variational Autoencoder C. McLeod, K. Leighly, A. Kerr, 2020, AAS meeting #236, id. 334.01 Link to abstract Link to iPoster
  • FeLoNet: Using Synthetic Training Data and a Convolutional Neural Network to Classify Quasar Spectra C. Dabbieri, K. Leighly, G. Richards, 2020, AAS meeting #236, 238.03 Link to abstract Link to iPoster
  • The Physical Properties and Energetics of FeLoBAL Quasar Outflows H. Choi, K. Leighly, C. Dabbieri, D. Terndrup, S. Gallagher, G. Richards, 2020, AAS meeting #236, 137.02 Link to abstract Link to iPoster
  • Massive Outflows in CII Low-Ionization Broad Absorption Line Quasars R. Hazlett, K. Leighly, C. Dabberi, C. McLeod, H. Choi, D. Terndrup, 2019, AAS meeting #233, 242.41 Link to abstract
  • Discovery of a remarkably powerful broad absorption line quasar outflow in SDSS J1352+4239 H. Choi, K. Leighly, D. Terndrup, S. C. Gallagher, G. Richards, 2019, AAS meeting #233, 242.40 Link to abstract
  • SimBAL: Spectral Synthesis for Broad Absorption Line Quasars K. Leighly, D. Terndrup, S. C. Gallagher, G. Richards, 2019, AAS meeting #233, 242.39 Link to abstract
  • What’s in the Wind? Spectral Synthesis for Broad Absorption Line Quasars K. Leighly, 2018, 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 14-22 July 2018, in Pasadena, California, USA, Abstract id. E1.13-31-18 Link to abstract
  • Measuring the Outflow Properties of FeLoBAL Quasars C. Dabbieri, H. Choi, F. MacInnis, K. Leighly, D. Terndrup, 2018, AAS meeting #231, 250.14 Link to abstract
  • SimBAL: A Spectral Synthesis Approach to Analyzing Broad Absorption Line Quasar Spectra D. M. Terndrup, K. Leighly, S. Gallagher, G. T. Richards, 2017, AAS meeting #229, 250.17 Link to abstract
  • EMPCA and Cluster Analysis of Quasar Spectra: Application to SDSS Spectra K. Leighly, A. Marrs, C. Wagner, F. MacInnis, 2017, AAS meeting #229, 250.16 Link to abstract
  • EMPCA and Cluster Analysis of Quasar Spectra: Sample Preparation and Validation C. Wagner, K. Leighly, F. MacInnis, A. Marrs, G. T. Richards, 2017, AAS meeting #229, 250.15 Link to abstract
  • EMPCA and Cluster Analysis of Quasar Spectra: Construction and Application to Simulated Spectra A. Marrs, K. Leighly, C. Wagner, F. MacInnis, 2017, AAS meeting #229, 250.14 Link to abstract
